Sutter Group takes over the "General" brand

Sutter Group is proud to announce the take-over of the “General” brand, a historical range of laundry detergents present in the Italian market.

A new opportunity for laundry products’ sale in the consumer market, but also for the professional channel, where Sutter will be able to develop and sell the “General” product lines in the countries of the European Union - with the exception of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey and Cyprus - as well as in the UK, Balkan countries not included in the European Union, Ukraine and South America.
The operation will be finalized by the beginning of next autumn, with the start of the production at the Sutter plant in Borghetto di Borbera (AL) forecasted at the beginning of 2022. The agreement with Henkel will also bring into the Sutter Group the “General” know-how and customer portfolio, as well as huge "Industry 4.0" investments to automate and upgrade Sutter plant, an increased production capacity of around 75% and multiple job and employment opportunities for the territory.

“This agreement is part of the growth strategy that Sutter has always pursued, putting social, environmental and economical sustainability at the centre of its guidelines. With General we enter in the important segment of household products, which we intend to enhance through the retail customers with whom we have consolidated relationships. We estimate a significant impact of General on the Group results, with a total turnover that will exceed 100 million Euros in 2022."
Aldo Sutter

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